NEOLIFE Products: The NeoLife Difference
Over 60 years ago Neolife didn’t start out to build the world’s leading nutritional company; Neolife set out to build a community of people who care about living well.
Living well means more than enjoying good health. It means taking control of your health, taking care of your family, taking charge of your time, and securing your financial future.
In an age when individuals are faced with an overwhelming number of choices, we are honored that you would take time to take a closer look at NeoLife, a company, and community that shares, cares, and strives to change the way you live.
Purity, Potency, and Proof
For over 60 years, generations of families all around the world have counted on NeoLife to do what no other company can do: produce products that are based on the finest whole-food, human food chain ingredients and proven effective by millions of satisfied customers.
World-leading scientists, researchers, and nutritionists search for effective solutions to promote and protect your long-term health.
Skilled technologists select only the finest raw materials to ensure the highest level of ingredient purity.
NeoLife products are developed with the latest scientific expertise and state-of-the-art technology to concentrate and standardize the active ingredients in raw materials. This ensures the final product delivers all the benefits that nature intended.
NeoLife products undergo rigorous testing using the very latest scientific methods to ensure safety, quality and effectiveness. We use non-GMO ingredients in our products, routinely test ingredients for potential contaminants, and meet or exceed the requirements of every major regulatory agency in the world for purity, potency, and consistency.
Clinical studies proving the effectiveness of NeoLife products have been published in some of the world’s most prestigious scientific journals. Our unique and enduring commitment to scientific excellence has attracted the attention of researchers from the United States Department of Agriculture, Centers for Disease Control, major universities, and respected scientific institutions around the world.
NEOLIFE Products are guaranteed to be made from the highest quality ingredients. If, after using the product (from its original container) in the way intended for a reasonable time, you are not completely satisfied with the quality, return the unused portion to us.
We will offer you the choice of replacement without charge, full credit towards the purchase of another NEOLIFE Product or a refund of the full purchase price.
This guarantee does not apply to products that have been intentionally damaged or misused.